There are a total of 32 courses available, and the coding method employed is Coding Pad. The key learning outcome is to develop an understanding of simple construction, introduction to sensors and motors, and sequence programming. This course would be an ideal choice for those looking for a basic robot coding experience.
Controller •32-bit processor, including 2 closed-loop motors (voltage 5V), 3 indicator lights, 1 speaker, 780mAh lithium battery, Bluetooth
Programmer • Built-in buzzer and Bluetooth.
- 72 buttons deliver more than 100 commands. As it is connected to the controller, it can complete many different tasks such as programming, debugging, remote control, etc.
Sensors • 1 integrated five-grayscale sensor
- 5-channel grayscale sensor (1 each)
Actuator • 1 intelligent motor, working voltage 5V
Structural parts (including transmission parts) • ≥135 pcs, ≥29 types
- Standard 10mm building blocks, patchwork construction method, and screwless construction design
Transmission parts • 3 kinds of 6 gears, including two 36 bevel spur gears, two 8-tooth spur gears, and two 24-tooth spur gears