We’re aiming to nurture some innovative minds in the country which is why we plan to open – up and build a one stop innovation lab for the kids .
These innovation education labs will help our children learn skills like design thinking , computational thinking , Al , programming , robotics and adaptive learning . The program will also teach kids how they can use these skills in making tangible and interactive products of their own – such as small engines , transportation devices and more ! We are creating a work space or a process where young minds can give shape to their ideas through hands – on do – it – yourself mode ; and learn innovation skills .
Young children will get a chance to work with tools and equipment to understand the concepts of STEM ( Science , Technology , Engineering and Maths ) .
Our all in one school lab would contain educational and learning ‘ do it yourself kits and equipment on – science , electronics , robotics , open source microcontroller boards , sensors and 3D printers and computers .